
Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Some Easter Peeps

i've got all my ducks in a row....

Just in time for filling baskets I share with you my duckling pattern. They look really cute in pale blue & pink too. If you make one I'd love to see it!


Yarn: 1 skein worsted weight yarn in pale yellow (I use Baby Teri yellow), small amount of orange worsted weight yarn, small amount of black yarn

Needles: 4 double pointed size 5, tapestry needle for finishing

Gauge: Not important with this at all but you want a tight knot so the stuffing doesn't show.


Cast on 6 stitches.
Divide them between 3 needles.
Join being careful not to twist

Row 1: kfb all stitches (12 stitches)
Row 2: k
Row 3: kfb all stitches (24 stitches)
Row 4: k
Row 5: kfb, k2, kfb, k2, kfb, k4, kfb, k2, kfb, k2, kfb, k6 (30 stitches)
Row 6: k
Row 7: kfb, k3, kfb, k3, kfb, k6, kfb, k3, kfb, k3, kfb, k6 (36 stitches)
Row 8: k
Row 9: kfb, k4, kfb, k4, kfb, k8, kfb, k4, kfb, k4, kfb, k6 (42 stitches)
Row 10: k
Row 11: kfb, k5, kfb, k5, kfb, k10, kfb, k5, kfb, k5, kfb, k6 (48 stitches)
Row 12, 13, 14, 15: k

At this point you may want to bring your tail from the beginning through the center & tie a small knot on the inside.

Row 16: ssk, k5, ssk, k5, ssk, k10, k2tog, k5, k2tog, k5, k2tog, k6 (42 stitches)
Row 17: k
Row 18: ssk, k4, ssk, k4, ssk, k8, k2tog, k4, k2tog, k4, k2tog, k6 (36 stitches)
Row 19: k
Row 20: ssk, k3, ssk, k3, ssk, k6, k2tog, k3, k2tog, k3, k2tog, k6 (30 stitches)
Row 21: k
Row 22: ssk, k2, ssk, k2, ssk, k4, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k6 (24 stitches)
Rows 23-30: k

At this point stuff the body of your duck.

Row 31: ssk, k1, ssk, k1, ssk, k2, k2tog, k1, k2tog, k1, k2tog, k6 (18 stitches)
Row 32:k

At this point use the black yarn to make French knots for the eyes.
Row 33: ssk, ssk. Ssk, k2tog, k2tog, k2tog, k6 (12 stitches)

Break yarn & thread it through all the stitches on the needle. Finish stuffing duck to the top of the head. Pull yarn tight. Make a small knot in the yarn near the top of the head & tuck tail into the body of the duck.

Wings (make 2)

Cast on 2 stitches leaving a long tail to sew wing on
Row 1: kfb all stitches (4 stitches)
Row 2: k
Row 3: k1, kfb2, k1 (6 stitches)
Row 4: k
Row 5: k1, kfb, k2, kfb, k1 (8 stitches)
Row 6, 7, 8: k
Row 9: bind off

Using tail sew the wings on to each side of the duckling. Sew just behind the decrease lines on either side of the duckling’s chest.


Cast on 8 stitches. Divide evenly between three needles
Row 1: k
Row2: k
Row 3: ssk, k2, k2tog, k2 (6 stitches)
Break yarn leaving a 6 inch tail. Thread the tail through the stitches on the needle & pull tight. Bring tail inside the beak & tie a small knot. You can put a little stuffing in the beak if you like. Sew beak on the ducklings face.

(c) KatKnits 2006
Please do not sell my pattern, claim it as your own or teach it in a store without contacting me.
You may link to it from your blog or site.

Some pattern additions provided by Jen

Jen's peep & rabbit

How to turn a duckling into a bunny

Bunny Muzzle:

With a color that contrasts with the body color, CO 6 stitches. Divide among three dpns.

Row 1: kfb all stitches (12 stitches)
Row 2: k
Row 3: kfb, k1, repeat to end (18 stitches)
Row 4: k
Row 5: ssk, k1, repeat to end (12 stitches)
Row 6: k
Row 7 ssk all stitches (6 stitches)

Break yarn leaving a 6 inch tail. Thread the tail through the stitches on the needle and pull tight. Flatten the muzzle into a puffy circle, and bring the tail through the center to the back and tie a small knot.

With pink yarn, stitch a small "v" for a nose. Sew the muzzle onto the bunny's face.

Bunny Tail:

Knit as for the muzzle, except before drawing the final stitches tight, stuff the piece lightly. Draw the yarn tight, tie a small knot, then stitch through the puff. Sew the tail onto the bunny's back end.

Bunny Ears (Make 2):

With same color yarn as body, CO 10 stitches.

Row 1: k5, wrap the next stitch (yarn forward, slip next stitch purlwise, yarn back, slip stitch back to left hand needle). Turn your work.
Row 2: k to end of row
Row 3: k all stitches
Row 4: bind off.

Stitch the ears to either side of the top of the bunny's head. You'll find the knitting naturally curves in one direction or the other. You can point the ears in different directions, or both the same way, or whatever gives your bunny the personality and individuality you like.

She also suggests a way to make a comb for the chicks head...

Chick Comb:

With same yarn as for beak (a smooth worsted weight), CO 2 stitches

Row 1: k1, kfb (3 stitches)
Row 2: ssk, k1 (2 stitches)
Rows 3, 5, 7: Repeat Row 1
Rows 4, 6: Repeat Row 2
Row 8: bind off

You now have a small, narrow strip of garter stitch, with tiny points on one edge. Sew this on top of the chick's head, running from front to back, with the points facing up.


  1. Those are ADORABLE!! I think that each member of my family may have to have one of those in their easter baskets this year! Thanks for the pattern!

  2. VERY cute! The Things squee'd with glee when they saw them. I think they'd make cute baby gifts, too (esp. since I have SO MANY baby gifts to make).

    So, are they going in the store window, along with Matthew's Mr. Bunny? I'm assuming you're NOT using the "snatchel" he turned into a purse...

  3. Oh you!!!! These are so incredibly adorable!! I wish I had something in my stash for these. They are just too cute!

  4. Sweet pattern! Those are so cute!

  5. Those are too cute! All the fun of Peeps with out all the disgusting mashmallow sugary goop!

  6. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Those are super adorable!

  7. These are so sweet! Thanks for sharing!

    I wonder if these peeps would expand and pop all over my microwave like those "other" easter peeps do -- oy, the mess, but oh, what fun.

  8. Your design is so adorable I had to cast on as soon as I saw it! I do have a question about the pattern:

    After row 22 there are 24 stitches. Are you supposed to knit 8 rows after that, or just 2? The pattern says Rows 23-30: k, but the next line starts at row 25.

  9. thanks for the catch there in my numbering problem. I've fixed the pattern so it is correct now

  10. these are the cutest darn things ever!!! thanks so much and happy i found you!! love these and your work!! too fun!! I'll be back for more!!! Hugs Linda

  11. So cute, I just love 'em. I'm going to try it with Plush, but could you post or contact me with more info on the Baby Teri yarn? Who makes it? Available online? Thanks for the great pattern!

  12. This is lovely! I've actually been looking for a cute duckie pattern for sometime now. Nice work!

  13. Thanks for the cute pattern. Can't wait to see the new window display.

  14. I love these !!!
    Will have to make some, but I don't think they'll get done THIS year :(
    But I know 3 darling little guys who'd love them in the mail from nana...THANK YOU!

  15. oh my goddess! those are just about the cutest things i have EVER seen.

    i'd also like to thank you for sharing the pattern as well.

  16. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Beautiful! Gotta start on these as soon as my cloth is done.
    Have a question on the wings...on row three it says kfb2...does that mean do kfb, kfb or am I suppose to do kfb on two sts together? Thanks for sharing your pattern. ~Tricia

  17. Tricia - it mean kfb, kfb thus creating 2 stitches so at the end of the row you have 6. I guess it could be written, k1, kfb, kfb, k1 (6 stitches)

  18. Such a fabulous pattern, Kat! Thank you for sharing. I'm thinking of doing my baby's bathroom with a ducky theme and these will be great.

  19. Great pattern! I started making them for mini Easter baskets for my knitting circle, using Plymouth's Oh My! yarn (with a scrap of Lamb's Pride for the beak). After making one just as called for in the pattern, I began thinking of variations using different add-on parts on the same body base. I've now made a bunny as well, and am working on a baby chicken.

    My process has ground to a halt due to a minor hand injury, but I'll be glad to share the patterns for the mods, including bunny ears, tail, etc. I can't post them to my own blog until after Easter, because some of the recipients read there!

    E-mail me at fiber(AT)folkcatart(DOT)com if you're interested. I figure folks might like to have my variations in time to knit them for Easter!

  20. Ohhhh! Those are ridiculously cute! I wish I'd seen them sooner...must buy yarn immediately.

  21. I made a chick! It is ridiculously cute. At first it looked more like a pear but when I finished it was definetely a chick. Now all my friends want one. You can see it here:

    Thanks for the fab pattern!

  22. Those are way too cute!! Thanks for sharing!

  23. so, so, cute.
    thank you for sharing
    i'm going to make the pair wrigth now.

  24. What an adorable pattern! I will have to make a few myself. Thanks so much for sharing!!!

  25. These are so cute. Thanks for the great pattern. Wish I'd found it in time for Easter, but there's always next year!!! Hey, I adapted the pattern for a penguin, feel free to link to my blog, or copy and post the instructions here for another edition of your cute pattern!
    Aim, at my site

  26. Anonymous11:15 AM

    These are absolutely adorable!

    I've got my own made at my blog. Well, mine is beak-less, but only until I find some orange bits of yarn :)

  27. Anonymous12:21 PM

    OMG. That is absolutely so cute. I'm going to cast on after I get my yarn. Many thanks for the pattern.

  28. I am going to pimp your peeps on the Stash Bustin blog.

    I love 'em.

  29. I love peeps.
    I hate my waistline.
    This is the BEST way to indulge.

  30. This is the first time I have ever seen your blog. Your peeps are jsut precious!!! I also like the donuts. GREAT WORK!

  31. This is the first thing I've been interested in knitting since before Christmas--thanks for breaking my slump! I can't wait to fill some Easter baskets!

  32. Anonymous3:39 AM

    soooooooooooo adorable.

  33. I'm planning on making these in a fuzzy dark yarn and stuffing them partially with beans as juggling geese (like from Firefly).

  34. I love your peeps pattern! I already made a couple, and I plan to make a bunch more to add to Easter baskets.

  35. These are adorable. Thanks for sharing. I think I will definitely be making some this week.

  36. Thanks so much for the pattern! These are totally adorable and I just finished knitting one for my grandmother for Easter! Thanks again!

  37. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Just darling! Made one ON EASTER! First attempt with DP needles and, thanks to your meticulous instructions, I have a darling ducky of my own! Thanks for sharing your talents so generously. Do us all a favor: Write a book! PLEASE!!!!

  38. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Thank you so much I can't wait to make these little guys. I think I will make one to send to Ethiopia for my soon to be adopted 2 yr old sister.

  39. I love these! Would you consider giving reprint rights to knitting pattern-a-day calendar? You keep all ownership, you just give us permission to print the directions and a photo. And on the sheet, we provide your name and a URL to your blog, website or charity of choice. You can learn more at or email me if you have any questions!

  40. I LOVE LOVE LOVE this adorable pattern.I am going to send one to my baby cousin. YAY!!!

  41. r u shur that these rnt trying to tak ovr our brans with cutness?

  42. Anonymous11:05 AM

    Love these creatures! Thanks for the pattern.

    What kinds of yarn (type and brand) would make for furry-looking creatures?

    Dear Kat, what yarn did you use for the duckling and bunny in the picture you posted in your blog?

  43. For the peep I used baby Teri by Red Heart. For the Bunny I used Merino Frappe by Crystal Palace

  44. Anonymous6:54 PM

    I thought knitting was for old ladies. now i, an 8 year old, am knitting

  45. Anonymous4:06 PM

    This is a great site. Thank you for your information. I THANK YOU I SALUTE YOU IT,S A AMZING SITE.

  46. Anonymous1:09 PM

    These are adorable! Thanks so much for sharing the pattern. I'm glad I found them early enough to get them done for my niece & nephew for Easter this year. Yay! Thanks again

  47. So cute! Thanks for sharing!

  48. No way! These are A-DOR-ABLE! I love them!!! Thanks so much for sharing this, I'll be linking if you don't mind.

  49. Anonymous1:28 AM

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  50. I made them...

    thank you for sharing, they are adorable!

    Happy Easter

  51. I saw someone's finished peep today, and it was SO darling that I had to cast on not an hour later. I want to thank you for the great pattern! "Thanks!!!!!" Great design!


  52. Wow These are so incredibly edible I wish I had something in my stash for these. They are just too amazing

  53. Anonymous11:26 AM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  54. Your very talented. Your works are very nice. Did you study art?

  55. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Kat, your patterns are great!
    May I reprint the Duckling pattern in my local fiber guild newsletter?

    Gwyn Krause
    gwyndlyn (at)

  56. Hello,
    This is super cute can I post it on my blog.

  57. So Cute!
    I am going to try my hand a making one or maybe even a few of these.

  58. They are so beautiful! I have a daughter who is almost 2yo who is obsessed with ducks (we have 4 as pets). So I'd love to make some of these as ducks and give them to her for her upcoming bday.

  59. I would love if I could use these for a easter class at my yarn shop. We do not charge for our classes and of course would not charge for your pattern. Would that be ok?

  60. Teresa - Please leave your email address or contact me through the Write Kat link in the right column so I can contact you directly. Thanks.

  61. perfect for the pink yarn that i magically found at the grocery store as i was thinking about knitting a bunny! please check out my blog at
