
Monday, December 03, 2007

A Steaming Pile of Knit

Ok, I'll admit it I'm a fan of some catty websites such as Go Fug Yourself (seriously this one will have you spitting up your coffee). A friend of mine (who will remain nameless to protect the innocent) has started a new blog called A Steaming Pile of Knit for those of us who have been missing You Knit What. She is featuring current designs such as this lovely recent one from Vogue (hello what is this thing?). If you are at all like me you often look through the new magazine & just wonder what were they thinking. Anyway I thought I'd share the fun with all of you!


  1. Hee, hee! There is also a site called What Not to Knit, but it's not updated nearly as often as You Knit What used to be....

  2. I just popped over and read the Steaming Pile of Knit blog. It's hilarious! I'll have to add that to the list of blogs I read frequently.

  3. I'll have to check out the new blog~
    So much has been going on since I last read your blog! Congratulations on your first house!!It looks wonderful!
    Have fun decorating it!
    We've already got plenty of cold and snow here in western NY. Good knitting weather!

  4. Anonymous12:08 AM

    Perhaps I shouldn't show my ignorance ... but what happened to the site: You Knit What?

    who never saw the need to go back to You Knit What all that often - shudder -
