Thursday, January 03, 2008
New House - Week 12
Ok, so I missed a few weeks posting but with the holidays we haven't been doing much to the house. Our theme right now seems to be organization especially as we look towards putting away the Christmas decorations. The basement kind of became a dumping ground for things we weren't sure what to do with when we moved in. I had a large Ikea shelving unit & dresser that we've set up down there & Matt has made a good stab at starting to sort things.
As you can see there is still a lot in boxes & we need to get some more shelves. We also need to go get storage containers. Once we empty the boxes they have to be cut down & tied together with twine for recycling.
Matt is working his way through the pile but its a little overwhelming with all the moving boxes, Ikea boxes & such plus all the packing material that was used in the move. Recycling is so different here than in San Francisco. There we could just put everything in one bin. Here we have to separate everything ourselves. We got these great stacking bins at Ikea.
We still need to label each one but it seems like a good system, if only the city would let us but these on the curb instead of having to transfer the stuff to paper bags...
I'm going through the same sort, organize, toss or store scenero in getting ready for the move to the new house. Fortunately, in that we own both houses, there isn't a time limit. But it's a lot of work! I have a feeling that we'll be keeping this house for a while as a place to store stuff as it will be cheaper than a storage unit - besides, nothing is selling in Michigan.