
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Iron Craft Challenge #24 - Manly Barbecuing Loincloth

This week's Iron Craft challenge was to create something for a man in our lives. I have to admit my project for this week is a bit silly but, I blame that completely on Matt. I asked him if there was anything he'd like me to make him and his reply was a loincloth. Of course, he was joking but since neither of us could think of anything to make for him then a loincloth is what he's getting!
Iron Craft Challenge 24 - Manly Barbecuing Loincloth
Well, it a loincloth inspired apron anyway. Unfortunately, Matt isn't here to model it so, the smoker had to work as a stand-in. I'm hoping it gives him a good laugh when he gets back from his business trip.

It was a pretty easy apron to make though and could be handy made with a little bigger front piece.
Iron Craft Challenge 24 - Manly Barbecuing Loincloth Iron Craft Challenge 24 - Manly Barbecuing Loincloth
I used some imitation suede for the fabric, I thought it looked most like animal skin and wouldn't need to be hemmed. I cut two 3" strips each about 36" long and sewed them into one long strip. Then I cut out a 15" x 16" rectangle. I folded the strip in half making it 1 1/2", centered the rectangle on the strip and put it inside the fold. I then sewed the strip closed catching the rectangle in it.
Iron Craft Challenge 24 - Manly Barbecuing Loincloth Iron Craft Challenge 24 - Manly Barbecuing Loincloth
I also topstitched along the folded side of the strip. Next I cut a 1/2" strip of the fabric just a little longer than the rectangle piece (actually I used a piece of the salvage from the fabric).
Iron Craft Challenge 24 - Manly Barbecuing Loincloth Iron Craft Challenge 24 - Manly Barbecuing Loincloth
That strip gets sewed onto the top strip just above the rectangle at each end. Then I sewed it again in various place to create a strip where barbecue tools could be stuck.
Iron Craft Challenge 24 - Manly Barbecuing Loincloth
Ok, ok I tried to model it but, it's so hard to get a good picture in a mirror.

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1 comment:

  1. Ha!- manly barbequing loin cloth. You are too funny.
